New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations

Section: New Software and Platforms


Belenios - Verifiable online voting system

Keyword: E-voting

Functional Description

Belenios is an online voting system that provides confidentiality and verifiability. End-to-end verifiability relies on the fact that the ballot box is public (voters can check that their ballots have been taken into account) and on the fact that the tally is publicly verifiable (anyone can recount the votes). Confidentiality relies on the encryption of the votes and the distribution of the decryption key.

Belenios builds upon Helios, a voting protocol used in several elections. The main design enhancement of Belenios vs Helios is that the ballot box can no longer add (fake) ballots, due to the use of credentials.

In 2016 our online platform has been used for several elections, for instance: representatives at the “comité de centre” in several Inria research centers, at the “conseil de laboratoire” at IRISA, and for the head of the “GT Calcul Formel” of the GDR-IM.